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Recruitment Steps

Application Timeline

The Agency makes every effort to complete the hiring process as quickly as possible.  A typical recruitment will occur over the course of several weeks.  All applicants must complete a Kern County Water Agency application in NeoGov.  Applicants can check the status of their application at any time by logging into their NeoGov account. 

Please note that some recruitments may not include all of these steps or in this particular order.

  • Application

    You applied! Human Resources will review applications to determine which candidates qualify for pre-employment testing.  This step may take several weeks from the closing date of the job posting.

  • Pre-Employment Testing

    Pre-employment testing for qualified candidates will be administered remotely and/or in-person by Human Resources at the Kern County Water Agency.

  • Phone Interview

    If candidates pass pre-employment testing, Human Resources will conduct a phone interview.  This step typically occurs within a couple weeks from pre-employment testing.

  • In-Person Interview

    Candidates passing the phone interview will be invited to a final in-person, panel interview at the Kern County Water Agency.  This step typically occurs within a few weeks from the phone interview.

  • Job Offer!

    Congrats! You got the job! 

Open Positions

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Applicant Help & Support

Need Help?

  • For application or login problems in NeoGov, please click "Menu" on the upper left hand corner in NeoGov and select "Help & Support" or call the NeoGov/Government Jobs customer service hotline: (855) 524-5627. You will also find instructions on checking the status of your application.

  • If you would like an update on the status of your application, log into your NeoGov account and click on "Applications & Status" in the top menu bar (in the dropdown below your username) and select the applicable job title/application. 

  • If you have other recruitment questions, please email Human Resources at
Applicant Help & Support